Dear Participants,
Pursuant to the Regulation of the Council of Ministers of 25 March 2022 on establishing specific restrictions, orders, and prohibitions in relation to the state of epidemic (Polish Journal of Laws, item 673),
from 28 March 2022 onwards, all restrictions are lifted, which means that
wearing mask is not obligatory. Actual recommendations you will find
Our decision of organizing stream lectures online for those who cannot come to Kraków has not been changed.
Please visit the
Instructions Tab where you find all details and instructions for recording a remote speach and login instructions for On-line Participants.
We are looking forward to seeing you in Kraków!
Dear Participants,
The Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences (IFJ PAN) and the European Radiation Dosimetry Group invite you to participate in the combined:
International Conference on Individual Monitoring of Ionising Radiation (IM2022)
Neutron and Ion Dosimetry Symposium (NEUDOS-14)
which will be held in Kraków, Poland from 25th to 29th April 2022. This conference continues the tradition of the conference series and offers a great opportunity to share knowledge, to exchange experience and to promote new ideas between scientists from research bodies, regulatory authorities and industry worldwide.
The IFJ PAN, established in 1955, is currently the largest research institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences. The Minister of Science and Higher Education in Poland has granted the Institute the prestigious status of the Leading National Research Centre (KNOW) in physics for the years 2012-2017 (together with the other members of the Marian Smoluchowski Kraków Research Consortium: “Matter-Energy-Future”) and twice, in 2013 and in 2017, the Institute was awarded A+ Category (leading level in Poland) in science and engineering.
In 2017 the European Commission granted to the Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences the HR Excellence in Research award.
As EURADOS is celebrating its 40th anniversary in 2022, a special session on the history of EURADOS will be organized during the conference.
We are looking forward to seeing you in Kraków!

Krakow –due to its demographic, economic, social and scientific-cultural strength –ranks second in Poland among cities. It has unique values that are the basis of its economic development and an increase in the quality of life. It has high-quality human capital at its disposal. It is a city people consciously choose as a place to live, work, study, spend free time in a variety of ways. Sustainable development and the ability to meet specific challenges with the skillful use of own resources arethe main priorities.
The academic center, with its650 year old University , is permanently connected with the city and builds an unrepeated resource of knowledge in a unique way. It is the key to competitiveness and innovation not only of Krakow, but also of the entire region. The intensively developing economy based on knowledge is a completely new process in the economic life of the City, which makes it part of the modern economies of the world.
The overriding goal for Krakow is not only to be a modern city but also to be proud of its historical heritage. It aspires to be an open, rich, friendly and safe metropolis, vibrant with culture. Smart management and strengthening the sphere of modern services and the research and development sector are the foundations for the development of Krakow - a city where innovation and effective cooperation between science and business are the focus.
We invite you to visit our website and learn about the possibilities offered by magical Krakow - rooted in tradition, sensitive to everyday life and open to development:

Fot. Piotr Krochmal
Additional materials: